
512 Biddle air curtains Biddle air curtains provide highly efficient solutions for retailers and consultants to combat the issue of climate separation across their outlet or office doorway. Benefits of Biddle air curtains J Connectable to ERQ and VRV units J Unified range for R-32 and R-410A refrigerant J Payback period of less then 1.5 years compared to installing an electric air curtain 3 different models to choose from: Free-hanging model (F): easy wall mounted installation Cassette model (C): mounted into a false ceiling leaving only the decoration panel visible Recessed model (R): neatly concealed in the ceiling 3.0m 3 2 1 Door height (m) Installation condition Favourable ex: covered shopping mall or revolving door entrance Normal ex: little direct wind, no opposite open doors, building with ground floor only Unfavourable ex: location at a corner or square, multiple floors and / or open stairwell S S S M M M L L L 2.3m 2.3m 2.15m 2.0m 2.75m 2.5m 2.5m 2.4m Biddle air curtain nomenclature CYA S 150DK 80 F S N No Biddle controller Color B = White (RAL 9016) S = Grey (RAL 9006) Installation type F = Free hanging C = Cassette R = Recessed Capacity class (kW) Daikin direct expansion Door width (cm) Range S = Small M = Medium L = Large Biddle air curtain for ERQ and VRV Unified model for R-32 and R-410A Select your Biddle air curtain range 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 electric air curtain years Daikin heat pump with Biddle air curtain total cost (installation + running cost) in € 2 1