
521 521 Towards a circular economy of refrigerants With L∞P by Daikin we want to step away from producing more waste. Instead we will reuse what is already available, in a qualitative way. J Saves over 400,000 kg of virgin refrigerant being produced every year J Greatly reduces the CO 2 footprint of refrigerant production by 72%! For units produced and sold in Europe J Exclusive to Daikin reclaimed gas is now used in our units J Administratively allocated to VRV and chillers produced and sold in Europe For more information visit www.daikin.eu/loop-by-daikin Recover We recover your old refrigerant for you from any unit and any brand. Reclaim The refrigerant is reclaimed in Europe, meaning regenerated in a high-quality way, in line with F-gas regulation definition. 400,000kgs/year 72% lower CO2 fooprint for production Reuse The reclaimed refrigerant is mixed with virgin refrigerant. The refrigerant’s quality is certified by an independent laboratory. It meets AHRI 700 certified standards. Reclaimed Virgin Supporting a circular economy of refrigerants