565 Ensures the provision of fresh and clean outdoor air and removes contaminated stale air Delivers energy savings by transferring heat and moisture between airflows, thus helping to condition the supply air to the required indoor temperature and humidity levels Delivers the required conditioned air to optimise the energy efficiency of indoor HVAC equipment Ensures clean and healthy air by filtering out pollen, dust, odours and other contaminants that are harmful to our health Ensures the desired moisture level in the conditioned space Air processing Filtration & purification Energy & recovery Ventilation Humidification 5 components for ensuring good indoor air quality Ventilation Ventilation systems ensure optimal climate conditions by providing a fresh, healthy and comfortable environment for buildings of all sizes and applications. When a room is enclosed, air cannot easily enter or leave, allowing airborne pollutants to remain and accumulate within the space. This concentration could have an impact on the health of the room’s occupants. Ventilation is essential for diluting and removing these pollutants. A well-maintained ventilation system and adequate air-exchange rate have been demonstrated to be an effective solution to protect people from contaminants, including viruses.