
802 Concealed ceiling unit with medium ESP J BLDC fan motor unit for horizontal concealed mounting. Continuous air flow regulation and fan speed modulation J Available in District Cooling version for both 2 and 4 pipe applications J Up to 50% energy savings with brush-less DC motor technology compared to traditional technology J Instant adjustment to temperature and relative humidity changes J Low operating sound level J Highly flexible solutions: multiple sizes, piping topologies and connection valves J Heat exchanger up to 4 rows J Available static pressure up to 80Pa at maximum speed FWP-CT/CF FWP-CT FWP-CF Indoor unit FWP-CT/CF 04 05 06 08 10 11 15 17 2-pipe Speed min med max min med max min med max min med max min med max min med max min med max min med max Declared speed 2,5,7 1,5,7 1,6,7 1,4,7 1,6,7 1,6,7 5,6,7 5,6,7 Control voltage (E) V 2.90 8.00 9.00 4.30 7.50 8.40 4.50 7.40 8.30 5.40 8.30 9.90 3.40 7.60 8.50 3.40 7.60 8.50 6.80 7.50 8.30 6.80 7.50 8.30 Rated air flow (E) m³/h 109 246 276 171 275 341 195 360 402 305 532 652 333 687 760 333 687 760 1,050 1,163 1,289 1,050 1,163 1,289 Available static pressure (E) Pa 10 50 63 19 50 77 19 50 63 17 50 75 12 50 61 12 50 61 40 50 60 40 50 60 Power input (E) W 6 25 33 10 24 39 10 26 35 22 51 77 11 54 68 11 54 68 105 128 162 105 128 162 Maximum current absorption A 0.32 0.60 0.84 0.84 0.91 0.91 3.52 3.52 Total cooling capacity (1)(E) kW 0.93 1.76 1.95 1.29 1.95 2.34 1.59 2.74 3.04 1.98 3.26 3.79 2.29 4.34 4.75 2.51 4.91 5.35 6.28 6.81 7.38 7.04 7.64 8.28 Sensible cooling capacity (1)(E) kW 0.62 1.25 1.39 0.91 1.39 1.66 1.09 1.91 2.11 1.48 2.48 2.92 1.67 3.21 3.51 1.77 3.45 3.76 4.64 5.03 5.46 4.96 5.38 5.84 FCEER class (E) A C B Water flow (2) l/h 161 306 340 222 339 408 274 476 527 343 568 664 394 753 828 432 850 930 1,094 1,190 1,295 1,225 1,332 1,448 Water pressure drop (2)(E) kPa2563683793811 2 7 8 3 10121316182023 - Heating capacity (3)(E) kW 0.88 1.21 1.99 1.33 1.98 2.35 1.59 2.80 3.10 2.35 3.71 4.31 2.54 4.76 5.17 2.63 5.03 5.49 6.68 7.22 7.80 7.18 7.80 8.46 FCCOP class (E) A B Water flow (3) l/h 153 315 346 231 345 408 276 488 538 408 644 749 441 827 898 457 875 955 1,162 1,256 1,356 1,248 1,355 1,471 Water pressure drop (3)(E) kPa 1 452572684911 2 7 8 3 9 11121416171922 Standard coil - number of rows 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 Total sound power level (4) dB(A) 28 49 52 39 50 54 39 50 54 38 52 58 38 55 58 38 55 58 61 63 69 61 63 69 Inlet + radiated sound power level (4)(E) dB(A) 26 47 50 37 48 52 37 48 52 36 50 56 36 53 56 36 53 56 59 61 67 59 61 67 Outlet sound power level (4)(E) dB(A) 25 46 49 36 47 51 36 47 51 35 49 55 35 52 55 35 52 55 58 60 66 58 60 66 Water content - standard coil dm³ 1.20 1.20 2.20 1.60 2.50 3.30 2.50 3.30 Cross-section area of power cables (5) mm² 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 4-pipe Speed min med max min med max min med max min med max min med max min med max min med max min med max Declared speed 2,5,7 1,5,7 1,6,7 1,4,7 1,6,7 1,6,7 5,6,7 5,6,7 Control voltage (E) V 2.90 7.90 8.90 4.50 7.30 8.90 4.50 7.40 8.30 5.40 8.30 9.90 3.40 7.60 8.50 3.40 7.60 8.50 6.80 7.50 8.30 6.80 7.50 8.30 Rated air flow (E) m³/h 109 243 270 170 272 336 195 357 398 302 524 642 333 683 755 333 683 755 1,050 1,163 1,289 1,050 1,163 1,289 Available static pressure (E) Pa 10 50 63 19 50 77 19 50 63 17 50 75 12 50 61 12 50 61 40 50 60 40 50 60 Power input (E) W 6 25 32 10 23 39 10 26 35 21 50 77 11 54 67 11 54 67 105 128 162 105 128 162 Maximum current absorption A 0.32 0.60 0.84 0.84 0.91 0.91 3.52 3.52 Total cooling capacity (1)(E) kW 0.93 1.74 1.91 1.28 1.93 2.31 1.59 2.72 3.01 1.95 3.22 3.75 2.29 4.32 4.72 2.51 4.88 5.32 6.28 6.81 7.38 7.04 7.64 8.28 Sensible cooling capacity (1)(E) kW 0.62 1.24 1.36 0.90 1.38 1.64 1.09 1.89 2.09 1.47 2.44 2.89 1.67 3.19 3.48 1.77 3.43 3.74 4.64 5.03 5.46 4.96 5.38 5.84 FCEER class (E) A A A A A A C B Water flow (2) l/h 161 302 333 221 335 404 274 473 522 339 562 656 394 749 822 432 846 925 1,094 1,190 1,295 1,225 1,332 1,448 Water pressure drop (2)(E) kPa2563683793811 2 7 8 3 10 12 13 1618202326 Heating capacity (3)(E) kW 1.14 1.93 2.06 1.55 2.07 2.32 2.09 3.09 3.29 2.80 3.82 4.24 3.40 5.17 5.45 3.40 5.17 5.45 6.42 6.73 7.06 6.42 6.73 7.06 FCCOP class (E) A A A A A A C C Water flow (3) l/h 100 169 180 136 181 204 183 271 288 245 334 371 297 452 477 297 452 477 562 589 618 562 589 618 Water pressure drop (3)(E) kPa 1 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 4 3 5 6 6 1314 6 1314192122192122 Total sound power level (4) 28 49 52 39 50 54 39 50 54 38 52 58 38 55 58 38 55 58 61 63 69 61 63 69 Standard coil - number of rows dB(A) 3+1 3+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 4+1 3+1 4+1 Inlet + radiated sound power level (4)(E) dB(A) 26 47 50 37 48 52 37 48 52 36 50 56 36 53 56 36 53 56 59 61 67 59 61 67 Outlet sound power level (4)(E) dB(A) 25 46 49 36 47 51 36 47 51 35 49 55 35 52 55 35 52 55 58 60 66 58 60 66 Water content - standard coil dm³ 0.47 0.47 0.59 0.59 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 Cross-section area of power cables (5) mm² 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 Power supply cable type N07V-K Safety fuse F A 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Fuses type gG Power supply Phase/Frequency Hz 1~/50 Control systems Wired remote control FWEC3A/FWEDA/SHINKA/FWEC10 (1) Water temperature 7°C / 12°C, air temperature dry bulb 27°C, wet bulb 19°C (47% relative humidity) according to EN1397:2015 | (2) Water temperature 7°C / 12°C, air temperature dry bulb 27°C, wet bulb 19°C (47% relative humidity) | (3) Water temperature 45°C / 40°C, air temperature 20°C | (4) Sound power measured according to standards ISO 3741 and ISO 3742 | (5) Sound pressure measured at a distance of 4 m in a free field with a directivity factor of 1 | (E) EUROVENT certified data FWP-CT/CF FWEC3A FWEC10 FWEDA SHINKA TOUCH/SHINKA SENSE/SHINKA ZONE