
884 NS21 1000 1961 836 674 800 674 81 81 100 100 Front View Back View 1:18 JAE Revised by DESCRIPTION MADE BY Standards UNE-EN 10217 UNE-EN ISO9606-1 UNE-EN ISO 135852012 V1º V0,1mm - 08/07/2019 JAE MCR Folder Location Sheet Tolerance Weight / NS 21 0 - - - - - - - - Date Revisions VERSION Surface Finish A3 NS21 Scale Denomination NEXO Code Material DATE Technical Director This drawing belongs to TEWIS SMART SYSTEMS SLU. Reproduction without authorization is forbidden. Designed by A A B B C C D D E E F F 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1000 1953 836 1000 1961 836 674 800 674 81 81 100 100 Front View 0 - - Revisions VERSION A B C D E F 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 BITZER GNS21JC302XBX GNS21JC872YBX GNS21JC882YBX TNS21JC304XBX TNS21JC881YBX TNS21JC880YBX Application MT MT+LT Capacity MT* kW 18.17 22.63 35.15 14.24 31.88 31.22 Capacity LT* kW - 3.90 3.23 3.90 GC needed kW 32.08 39.96 62.08 32.08 62.08 62.08 MT Compressors nº 1x 2MTE-5K + 1x 2KTE-7K 1x 4PTC-7K + 1x 4MTC-7K 1x 4MTC-10K + 1x 4KTC-10K 1x 2MTE-5K + 1x 2KTE-7K 1x 4MTC-10K + 1x 4KTC-10K 1x 4MTC-10K + 1x 4KTC-10K LT Compressors nº - 1x 2MSL-07K 1x 2NSL-05K 1x 2MSL-07K Lp** dB(A) 38.7 46.7 47.3 39.4 47.4 47.4 DORIN GNS21JC677XDX GNS21JC684XDX GNS21JC750XDX TNS21JC670XDX TNS21JC679XDX TNS21JC678XDX TNS21JC658XDX TNS21JC753XDX TNS21JC659XDX Application MT MT+LT Capacity MT* kW 25.58 36.35 44.71 21.07 27.93 30.33 31.83 34.05 40.19 Capacity LT* kW - 4.37 8.15 5.83 4.37 10.30 4.37 GC Capacity kW 45.17 64.18 78.95 45.17 64.18 78.95 MT Compressors nº 1x CD475-4.7H + 1x CD475-6.4M 1x CD490-6.4H + 1x CD490-9.2M 1x CD4120-9.2H + 1x CD490-9.2M 1x CD475-4.7H + 1x CD475-6.4M 1x CD490-6.4H + 1x CD490-9.2M 1x CD490-6.4H + 1x CD490-9.2M 1x CD490-6.4H + 1x CD490-9.2M 1x CD4120-9.2H + 1x CD490-9.2M 1x CD4120-9.2H + 1x CD490-9.2M LT Compressors nº - 1x CDS101B 1x CDS181B 1x CDS151B 1x CDS101B 1x CDS301B 1x CDS101B Lp** dB(A) 39.6 41.2 42.1 39.7 41.3 42.2 42.1 * Calculation conditions: Tev MT -8ºC, Tev LT -32ºC, Tsgc +35ºC. | **Sound pressure at 10m, considering a spherical surface, in open ground and with soundproofing. Tolerance ±2 dB. AXIAL GNV58PE GNV58PE LPS GNV66PE GNV66PE LPS Capacity kW 58.84 52.15 88.4 79.27 Air flow m3/h 16,400 12,800 24,000 19,200 Sound pressure 10m dBA 52 46 53 45 Fans nº 2x Ø500 EC 3x Ø500 EC RAD. GNV58NE GNV66NE Capacity kW 56.28 85.61 Air flow m3/h 15,000 22,500 Sound pressure 10m dBA 49 50 Fans nº 2x Ø500 EC 3x Ø500 EC * Calculation conditions: Air T. 35ºC, GC outlet 37ºC, Gas Inlet T. 115ºC, Gas Pressure 92 bar. Available pressure radial models. 100 Pa Compact CO2 mini compressor racks Mini compact compressor racks with less than 1 m2 footprint, highly competitive, with CO 2 in transcritical cycle for cold generation J Highly accessible front opening door with hinges. J Lateral practicable door. J Vertical liquid receiver with exchanger prepared for connection to the emergency unit. J Practicable electrical panel with controller and complete wiring. J Compatible with Tewis remote management systems. J Adapted design for proper loading and transportation. J Up to 2 MT compressors and 1 LT compressor. J 360º access for easy maintenance. J Oil separator accumulator. J Two refrigerant level electronic sensors (high and low level). J Frequency inverter for the first MT compressor and optional for the LT compressor. J Optional frame for outdoor use. J 48l liquid receiver, with internal exchanger for connection to the emergency unit. J Optional connection to an external RHX. RHX can be installed on MT models. J Emergency unit not included (junctions included). Required power: 280 W @R134a Tev +5°C. J Selectable electronic brands: Tewis (EWCM9000pro), Danfoss (AK-PC 772) or Carel (pRack PR300T Medium). J Bitzer & Dorin compressors. J Design pressures: - MP (MT suction): 52 bar. - LP (LT suction): 30 bar. - IP (Receiver and liquid line): 70 bar. - HP (Discharge): 120 bar. NS21 GNV66 GNV58 RHX PS 120 / 70 / 52 / 30 Bar Plug & Play Soundproofing [Optional] Compact design Maintan. costs Reduced dimensions to allow an easy access to all the components of the machine. 360º access, with lateral practicable door.