
895 Natural HVACR 4 life: the birth of CO2 CVP and CO2 round-flow cassette! Life Project subject: “A sustainability-focused research project exploring the use of CO2 as a natural refrigerant led by Daikin Europe and co-funded by the EU”​(https://www.naturalhvacr4life.eu/​) Actions J Demonstrate a Conveni-Pack prototype with R744 as refrigerant.​ J Install, operate and monitor the performance of multiple Conveni-Pack prototypes in supermarkets across Europe, ranging from average to warm climates (Germany and Spain)  extended to United Kingdom, Belgium, France and Italy. J Research and develop an economically viable cassette indoor unit for comfort cooling and heating. J Evaluate the potential of adding cold storage / adiabatic cooling to further reduce carbon emissions.​ J Communicate about the Life project through exhibitions, conferences and online tools / Share project insights with policymakers and standardization bodies to facilitate the update of safety and energy related standards and labels.​​ J Replicability - business plan and transfer of technology know how to similar products  technology used on the CVP has been reused on the CO 2 ZEAS and further improved, this to fullfill new high ambient needs. (Tambient > 38°C) CO2 ZEAS range (8 till 15 HP)