979 Individual control systems Bluezero - main thermostat J Intuitive graphical, colour touch screen for controlling multiple zones AZCE6BLUEZEROCB (Wired) AZCE6THINKRB (Wireless) AZCE6LITECB (Wired) AZCE6LITERB (Wireless) AZX6WSPBAC AZX6KNXGTWAY AZX6WSPHUB AZX6WSC5GER Think - zone thermostat J Graphic touch button with low-energy e-ink screen for controlling single zones Lite - zone thermostat J Simplified thermostat with touch buttons for temperature control Webserver for remote control J Cloud based remote control of multizoning kit(s) J Configuration and control of zones (temperature, operation mode, ...) J Access via webportal, or Android/IOS application J Supports Ethernet and WIFI J AZX6WSPHUB: J For installation on DIN rail J 32 zoning boxes can be controlled J AZX6WSC5GER: J For installation in the unit J Controls one zoning box BACnet or KNX gateway J Allows ON/OFF control of each zone J Control of temperature for each zone J Status indication of operation mode J One gateway needed per system J Optional bus cable (2 x 0.5 mm² | 2 x 0.22 mm²), 15 m length: AZX6CABLEBUS15, 100m length: AZX6CABLEBUS100 AZCEZDAPR07* BR500 RDHV040015BKX RRFR050050BTX RLQV040015BKX PREJ0400150T Plenum for return air J To connect 1 up to 4 circular ducts to the Daikin concealed ceiling units J Diameter 250mm J Different sizes (XS, S, M, L, XL) to fit the indoor unit Wall type supply grille J With horizontal and vertical adjustable flaps Return air grille with integrated filter J Filters particles from the air Plenum for return grille J To connect 1 up to 4 circular ducts to the return air grille J Diameter 250mm Ceiling type supply grille J With horizontal flaps angled at 15° J Vertical flaps can be adjusted manually Plenum for supply grille J To connect circular ducts to discharge grille J Insulated, galvanised steel J Diameter 250mm Supply air grilles and plenums Return air grilles and plenums Grilles and plenums Controls 3 controller versions are available to choose from: Colour, touch or simplified